Here are some religious and spiritually oriented links. I have links to online versions of religous texts of most of the major religions (Christianity, Islam, Hinduism,etc), and hope to add some more obscure ones, and probably even some kooksas well. I'd like this page to have a broad overview of many religious paths.

At the moment,(August 15th, 2007), I am updating this site after 7 years. Some of these links are long dead, but hopefully I'll get it more up to date in the near future.

As I said before, I'm not a Christian , I'm a Shaivite(Shiva centered) Hindu, a very liberal Shaivite with a Unitarian Universalist influence.
I think all religions have something to offer(including kooks).

I've studied religions of all kinds for much of my life, starting when I was about 8 or 9. I had a friend who was a Jehovah's Witness, and it puzzled me that they had such different ideas about Jesus than what I was taught as a young Catholic. I was too young then to really grasp much of what I was reading, but I read JW tracts as well as mainstream Christian "anti-cult" books.
I also ended up with an interest in the occult when I was about 10, and read everything on the subject I could find in the (elementary) school library.
When I was 16, I discovered The Satanic Bible at the public library, and checked it out, mostly to be "daring", like some of my friends had been.
But then I actually read it.
Most kids I knew checked it out strictly as a "status symbol", and didn't bother to read it.
Hearing about religion from a very different point of view made me really look at what other religions believe, and understand the common elements all religions share.
It spurred me to keep investigating.
And that's why I have these links up, to give people a chance to really look at religions comparatively, from points of view outside whatever tradition they may have been raised in.
My inclusion of links here is in no way an endorsement of the views expressed on the site.
Some of the links I agree with, some I do not.
I present them for educational(and sometimes entertainment) value.

Unitarian Universalist Association
Universal Life Church
Jewish religious texts(click on "JP" or "Kaplan" for English)
The Jewish view of Jesus
Kabbalah Homepage
10 Sefirot of The Kabbalah
Church Of The Subgenius
Jack Chick Parody Archive
The Church Of Satan..which actually doesn't believe in "The Devil!"
Ordo Templi OrientisFounded by Aleister Crowley.(PS-NOT Satanists!)
Gospel of Thomas Homepage
Bible Gateway Home (offers several translations for searches)
Eclectic Religious Links at True Grace Ministries(lots of links here)
Gnosis Library (Gnostic Scriptures)
Some Upanishad Translations and notes
Sri Guru Granth the Sikh scripture
Sikhism Homepage
True SeekerSearch Bahai Scriptures
Unofficial Jah Ras Tafari Homepage
Sellassie Family Web,I find it interesting to see how the family of "Jah" Ras Tafari(Haile Sellassie I) regards the Rasta movement, and it makes me wonder how that compares to the family of Jesus.
Searchable Koran translated by M.H. Shakir
Muttaqun Online:The Noble Quran
Three Qur'an translations presented all together, verse by verse.
Al-Fatiha, a foundation for GLBT Muslims
Freezone Scientology a heretical offshoot of Scientology(don't tell Tom Cruise I linked to it! ;))
Speaking of Scientology offshoots, here's an article about the Process Church Of The Final Judgement
Online Book Of Mormon (searchable)
Also Doctrine & Covenants("Restored LDS" version, not sure how much it differs from regular LDS) and Pearl Of Great Price(official LDS link). Book Of Commandments, a rare, early Mormon scripture the LDS doesn't use(most copies were destroyed in a fire), which actually has God saying that Joseph Smith's only gift was translating the Book Of Mormon plates, and that he would have "no other gift", and should not pretend to.(4:2).Mainstream Mormons don't dig this book, obviously.
Strangite LDS one of several Mormon offshoots( complete with their own revealed plates!)